Informationen zu den Prüfungen am IRT
- Semester: Wintersemester
- SWS: TV2 + TÜ1 + L1, 5 LP
In this course, different data- and learning-based control design techniques are considered. Data-based approaches compute controllers directly from the available input and output data, without the intermediate step of identifying a model of the system. In particular, we will discuss virtual reference feedback tuning, control design based on Willems' fundamental lemma, and the data informativity framework. In learning-based control, some machine learning technique is employed to learn a model of the system (or unknown parts thereof) or directly a suitable controller. Within this course, we will in particular consider approaches from reinforcement learning, using Gaussian Processes, and neural networks.
- Dozent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Müller, Dr. Victor Lopez Mejia
- Termin: Mittwoch, 09:00 - 10:30 Uhr
- Raum: 3403 A141
- Dozent: Dr.-Ing. Torsten Lilge
- Termin: Mittwoch, 10:45 - 11:30 Uhr
- Raum: 3403 A141