
Led by: | Matthias Müller, Thomas Seel, Torsten Lilge |
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Team: | Sarah Kleinjohann, Tim-Lukas Habich |
Year: | 2023 |
Funding: | Region Hannover |
Duration: | 2023-2025 |
A new generation of sensitive robots, which is currently entering into industrial applications, allows the automation of complex tasks, which were carried out only manually so far. These new robotic systems can be run without safety fences and are therefore an unforeseen, intelligent and flexible tool for the human. This technology can not only be applied in large scale enterprises, but also in small and medium sized enterprises as well as for professional service robotics like the health care sector, or even at home.
In order to meet the needs for qualified and skilled professionals attending with the general development but also to increase the public acceptation of these new intelligent tools, the Institute of Automatic Control and the Institute of Mechatronic Systems at the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) have derived the concept of the roboterfabrik (robot factory). This project, which is funded by the Region Hannover, is implemented together with the Roberta RegioZentrum Hannover, a facility which allows pupils to get in contact with robot technologies. The goal of the roboterfabrik is to offer a consistent education for pupils and studetns as wells as apprentices, teachers, and other professionals. It shall bridge the gap between school and profession or an academic education in robotics at the Leibniz University Hannover. Innovative teaching concepts will not only improve the technical education but will also help to develop skills like teamwork, time management, or creativity. As an example, existing and future lectures and courses within the area of robotics at the participating institutes are completed by robotics hackathons, where students have to apply their knowledge from the lectures for solving practical problems by means of modern robot technology.
The roboterfabrik serves for a goal-oriented youth development in the areas of mathematics, computer sciences, natural sciences and engineering with the focus on robotics in the region of Hannover. In the mid-term, it has the potential to evolve to a locational advantage. The teaching concepts of the roboterfabrik are targeted at students of the Leibniz University Hannover as well as at interested pupils from the Roberta RegioZentrum. On the one hand, the focus is on theoretical aspects - prepared for the respective audience - and, on the other hand, an understanding on practical skills in modern robot technology are also given. The applications which are mainly considered are from two of the key technologies in modern robotics: Human-robot interaction and mobile manipulation.
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